Shotgun Reload Drills for 3-Gun with a Breda B12i
January 9, 2019
B&T APC 10 Pro Sneak Preview From SHOT Show 2020
January 26, 2020It has been a long time coming, but I finally made the video I’ve been promising outlining my 3-gun competition belt setup, and why I choose work with Safariland. Interestingly enough, the beat-up belt in the video is my primary setup that I take to every match with me. It is the belt I purchased (yes, I paid full retail) 4 years ago. It has held up well, and it is only now that I’m setting everything up with fresh equipment. I have duplicate belts at home, my office, and in my range bag (for backup when I travel). So, after 4 years of hard use, I’m retiring my main belt, even though i could probably continue to run it hard for another couple of seasons. Take a look at the video, and let me know if you have any questions!